Saturday, April 19, 2008

Time...time...what time is it?

Tonight (Friday) while running south along the Rideau Canal I had an
interesting experience. A runner was coming towards me from the
opposite direction as I fumbling with my GPS watch. He started
pointing at his wrist and shouted time, time, what time is it? I wasn't
sure what time he was interested in as my watch was showing that I was
18 minutes and 34 seconds into my workout as well as being 6:45pm. I
shouted back that it was 18:34 which seemed to satisfy him. On the way
back, I bumped into the speedsters that I run with on Wednesday night
who were doing their warmup. I sped up considerable and they responded
allow us to do the next two miles at a pace very close to slowest km
interval pace of 4:20. It felt good to burn off a day's worth of
stress. At the same time my legs were nicely limbered up for swing

Last night, I had my first of six lindy swing dance lessons. We
reviewed some of the basic moves and spent much of the evening doing
slow step, slow step, followed by step - triple step - step, with the
s-ts-s being done on a eight count. They mentioned that it would be
frustrating at first but if we were patient the prize was out there