Thursday, October 9, 2008


Earlier this week, I cast my vote in the Advanced Polls for the upcoming election. I was one of the first 15 to do so which created complications as the folks in charge were still working out the details. There were a variety of forms, a new Voter Certification, a Change of Address Certification and Proxy Voting Certification. I showed my drivers license and presented voter registration card and spent the next 20 minutes people watching. Most of the people were much older than I (read retired) and should not have been pressed for time but they were. I had an Asian chap constantly poking me saying “You Next!! You Next!!” I said that they were three people ahead of me so we would have to wait. A couple of minutes later he would poke me again and I would say we still have to wait. I’m not sure if he was trying to sway my vote using physical force. Most of the old folks started to complain about government waste and inefficiency and why the exercise was taking so long. When it came time to marking my “X” in the box it was a straight forward process as I knew who I was going to vote for and did so without any second thoughts. The candidate’s brochures, the TV ads and the debates had no bearing on who I voted for. It is a relief as I can now wait and watch the election results when they become available.