Sunday, December 16, 2007

Dashing through the snow...

This morning, I woke up to find that we had received four inches of snow overnight. Along with the snow can a brisk wind that was whipping up the snow creating white-out conditions. My plans of doing a 10 mile run along the canal quickly faded. It was time to cross-train. Today, would be a good day to finally go snowshoeing. I put on my goretex pants and add a couple of layers of clothing on top. The conditions were challenging as visibility was bad. Here is a picture of my snowshoes and snowlions in action. I snowshoed for about an hour along the Ottawa River until I reached Westboro beach before heading back. I took this picture on my way back. The way back was no easier than the way their as the wind and the snow had just about filled in my tracks making the trail hard to negotiate at times. Once back the mug of hot chocolate was a welcome sight.