Ottawa -- July -- Record rainfall
One of the things I like about Ottawa are its weather extremes. In the winter we get a lot of snow and cool temperatures (-13F/-25C). During the summer months it gets hot and sticky (93F/34C). This July has been different as we have just set a record for rainfall (234mm/9.21 inches) surpassing a record set in 2002. The meterologist mentioned on the radio this morning that we had rain on 24 days this month. This is in contrast to a "normal" July when our average temperature ( is (80F/26.5C) and the grass should be yellow, dead and straw-like and not a lush green that it currently is. During a wicked rain storm earlier this week we saw our first "snow" in July. A quick check with google said that there are only two months on record when it hasn't snowed in Ottawa. The wet weather has made the daily bicycle commute challenging as I was constantly dodging puddles. I'm hopefully that we will have a "normal" August with long, hot and dry days.