Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Stamps and awesome workout

When I was growing up my father would sing a famous Flanders and Swann song called, "Mud, Mud Glorious mud." I did a quick google search and found this video. I guess you could ask what does this have to do with stamps. For the past little while I have been singing my own variation of the song, "Stamps, Stamps, Glorious Stamps." I recently volunteered to put stamps on membership cards for my honour society. Tonight, I finally finished after putting stamps on 700 envelopes. The chore started out with 300 envelopes but I volunteered to do some more. So, once I had put on a couple of hundred stamps I started to sing the song to keep my focus. It is a relief to get the chore finished.

Tonight, I had an awesome workout. The conditions were a crisp 15F/-9C with a windchill of 3F/-16C. It was the coldest conditions that I have run in this year. I was cold walking down to the canal. Once at the waters edge I started at a fast pace to warm myself up. After two miles I was starting to sweat. For the next five miles I was able to maintain a pace of 85% of my aerobic threshold. The workout felt great.