Saturday, April 14, 2007

Swing dancing

Last night we were fortunate to have a live band at swing dancing and it was great to hear the live music. I should have stayed longer but couldn't stay awake as I've had some late nights recently. I have been dancing for a short while and slowly learning new moves. I'm working through some issues very slowly but making good progress. They tried to teach us the slide followed by a turn but it didn't work out to well as many dancers were getting confused.

One of the fun things about the lesson is that followers rotate between the leaders during the lesson so you get to dance with many folks over the hour. Something caught my attention last night that had also picqued my curiousity last week and that is, how the follower interacts with the leader's hands. I've got a variety of hand interactions from limp hands, relaxed hands, sweating hands, vulture-grip hand (they hurt) to visibly shaking hands. Does this mean anything I'm not sure? I have danced with Niki a couple of times and every time we dance whether during the lesson or afterwards her hands visible shake while I have relaxed calm hands. What is interesting is that I'm around 6'3" and Niki is 6'6" so I have to raise my hands when I dance with her rather than lowering them for most women. I hope that JL has some ideas about the hand thing.