Thursday, May 10, 2007


There are some advantages to blogging after a interval workout rather than before. After the workout I can report on how it went, how I feel and what my times were. Last night, it was 5x1km intervals on 30 seconds rest. (3.45/4.00/3.54/4.08/3.58) Every second intervals is slower because we have run the hill. By Ottawa standards, it was a warm night 75F/24C and the first one we have had this year. I was drenched with sweat before the workout. How do I feel? I feel a little dazed but my powerbar and chocolate milk are keeping my upright before I head over to Subway for a meal. I was pleased with the workout as my dismal workout on Monday helped me run well tonight. The swimming workouts that I'm doing for cross-training as strengthening my core and upper body. One more week of intervals and then it will be time to rest before the half-marathon race.