Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Labor day weekend

My Labor day weekend was a little different this year. Normally, I would head down to my folks place or be in Algonquin Park canoeing. This year I got the canoeing done a couple of days early so I headed back to Ottawa. Scott and his family were in town for the weekend so we hooked up for our usual run. We are both training for a half-marathon but at different intensities and so we went for a 1:40 run at my race pace which left me feeling sore for a couple of days. Midway through the workout I got a wicked blister on the bottom of my foot but was able to put a layer of 3M micropore tape on it afterwards but it was painful for a couple of days. We both enjoyed the run as it gave us a chance to catch on what is happening in our various lives and with our families. Afterwards, we had a BBQ at his sister's place. Scott's sister works for the same company that I do but we work in different part of the city.

My interval workout tonight was a challenging one. It took the form of 6*1km on 30s rest. I had been chugging coffee for much of the day which left me a little dehydrated at workout time. (4.01/4.11/4.02/4.13/4.16) I was nominally pleased with the workout but wished that I had run faster but then is always the next workout on the horizon.