Monday, August 20, 2007

Algonquin Park #1

This coming weekend I am going to do something that I haven't done for two years and that is, go canoeing, camping and portaging in Algonquin Park. It is sort of a tradition for my father and I to do a canoeing trip just before school starts. Health reasons prevented us from going for the past two years. This year we will do the standard trip which will take from Canoe Lake in the south up to Burnt Island, Big Trout and then back by McIntosh Lake. (the route) We will have one of my father's international chemist from Bulgaria with us this year. I'll spend the next couple of days visiting MEC buying last minute gear before I head south to my parent's place. The goal is to have four days and three nights in the park. A couple of days ago, I made the online park reservation and still have to reserve a 17' superlite canoe. This year we will try out my new superlight stove to do some cooking otherwise most of our food will be prepared over a fire. I am looking for using my turtle algonquin guide paddle which hopes to redeem itself from it misadventure in the Ottawa River earlier this year. One day in the future, I hope to take JL either hiking or canoeing in Algonquin Park. Dang, time to go find the tent....Pack on...