Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Fast, sore and excited...

Tonight I did my first week of 1,000 meter intervals along the Rideau Canal. We did four of them with a rest of 1:30 between each one. I ran them fast despite the fact that I was wearing three layers of clothing on top. My km times were 4.02/4.09/3.59/3.59. As I sit here and type my legs are warm, fuzzy and a little sore. It felt good to run the intervals fast and I'm really pleased with the way the workout went. In under two weeks, I'll be heading to the Adirondacks in NY for a long weekend of hiking, snowshoeing, winter camping and ascend at least one of the local mountains. I have been waiting for the trip since the beginning of the year and as the weeks tick by I'm getting more excited. I also got some good new earlier this week which also makes me happy and excited as well. Also some of workout pressure finally abated which is a big relief.