Sunday, March 11, 2007

Science fair 1...

When we moved out to the country as I was growing up, the first school I attended was a one room schoolhouse that had an extension on one side. In a previous entry, I talked about how I took the family tractor to school. In this entry I'll tell you about one of my science fair projects. It was a team science fair projects. The three of us were really interested in volcanoes and so we built a volcano out of paper mache. It looked very authentic. No science fair project is complete without a demonstration. My father had a chemist he knew make up a mixture that would simulate what occurs during an eruption. The day of the volcano demonstration came and we took our model outside and prepared for the eruption. The teacher had all our classmates line up and look out the window as if anything went wrong three students were more expendable than the whole class. We put on our safety glasses and I poured in the first chemical mixture while my friend poured in the second. The chemical reaction was time delayed so that we were a little distance away before it started to eruption. We waited and waited and then it erupted and we all sighed a relief. In a future entry, I'll tell you about my other science fair project that involved lasers and the moon.